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Free Download Film Final Fantasy Vii Crisis Core Subtitle Indonesia

  1. Free Download Film Final Fantasy Vii Crisis Core Subtitle Indonesia

Download Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core The Movie Free Download (via Mediafire). Ini film nya diambil dari cutscene psp nya ya bro harry?? Reply Delete. Heart Movie Indonesia (2006) + OST Free Download. Hey guys, gimana nih kabar kalian? Maaf kalau jarang update, soalnya lagi sibuk sama masalah kerjaan nih. Food photography -

One year has passed since the events in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Buried alive following the Meteor disaster, a mysterious group known as the Deep Ground Soldiers emerge and begin raiding the city of Midgar. The enigmatic Vincent Valentine is somehow connected to these attacks, and may be as well the only one who can save this shattered world. Other characters from Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children join Vincent on his journey to save the one mighty city of Midgar and as the story unfolds, you will bear witness to shocking trusts never revealed before in Final Fantasy VII.

Quotes Vincent entered the room where Yuffie is sitting on a computer desk and glancing at Shalua's lifeless body in a container: unhappy They. They say she won't wake up. She suffered too much trauma to her head. Unless there's some kind of a miracle, she. pause: angry Vincent! You were there! Why couldn't you save her?: I'm sorry.: anger deflates completely Uhh.

beat: I didn't mean to. Shelke appeared at the scene: glancing at Shalua She was a fool. I'm one of the biggest fan of FFVII so, naturally, when i heard they were making a sequel, i ran to the store and bought it. DoC is a great game. I enjoyed seeing all those cut scenes about mysterious and gloomy Vincent Valentine, my favorite FFVII character. I was happy to see a lot of Yuffie Kisaragi too. Since this story takes place three years after the original 1997 game, she has become more reliable and mature.

Some people complained about not seeing enough of Cloud and the others. Well, this game is NOT about Cloud or Tifa or Barret.

It is Vincent's story. I think Vincent is an excellent choice of main character because of his connexion with Shinra and Hojo. The music was beautiful and so were the graphics. The in-game movies were amazing, and I loved Steve Blum as Vincent Valentine. His voice is perfect to play this character. I thought the game was a bit short though.

When set on easy, you can finish it within 10 hours or less. I think this game is worth buying. It is an excellent sequel to Final fantasy VII so ignore the bad comments and get right on it!!

I shall begin with a disclaimer: This movie is NOT recommended for anyone who lack interest or have never played FF7 the game before watching. The movie relies on the audience's knowledge of each character in the game to convey story plot elements. And it does so very subtly.

Do your homework before watching this wonderful piece of CG film and I promise it'll be that much better. With that in mind, this film has some of the most spectacular CG sequences I have ever witnessed. The whole experience felt like an extra long FMV sequence from the game, on steroids.


The attention to detail in each scene, especially in the heavy action oriented ones, is so impeccable it left me with a sense of awe. I believe the soundtrack is simplified so as to help the audience focus on the animation quality more than the music. Again, for those who are familiar with the FF7 story and background, the music should not surprise anyone (although the timing and placement of each soundtrack from the original accompany each scene and mood to the point where the music simply enhances the animation). Once again, I myself having only played through FF7 once, thoroughly enjoyed this piece of art from Square Enix. And that is the feel in most scenes, choreographed and organized. Like a dance.

Free Download Film Final Fantasy Vii Crisis Core Subtitle Indonesia

In short, if you enjoyed the music or the game Final Fantasy 7, this film will blow you out of the water. If you're in the unfortunate majority who has not experienced the goodness known as FF7 on Playstation or PC, doing so before watching the movie will allow for an exponentially greater experience. Finally, I just want to make a note of the quality in animating this film. Characters move with fluidity. Each scene background comes to life and tells its own story. For those who criticize the thinness and dependency of the story plot, I urge you to reexamine the animation. Facial reactions, subtle clues that bring about another level of entertainment above the typical narration method of story plot delivery.

Square Enix and the great Tetsuya Nomura has set a new bar for quality animation and storytelling. Advent Children has ushered in a new era for CG animations, allowing the subtleties that lie in each character to speak volumes in and of themselves. Thanks Square Enix. The wait was well worth it. I do not have much to say than this is a great finish to the story. Most people have said that there is not enough plot and its just eye candy.But think about it, everything was explained in FFVII you cannot add more plot to such a grand story it would ruin it. They did the best that they could do and I think that this should be taken more as A Final FMV.

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The last fight. Graphics - 10/10, Absolutely amazing Story 8.5/10 - don't think they could of expanded it that much more. And the stuff they could put in there was clever enough I thought. Characters 9/10 - Well most of them have already been explained during the game but still could not fit it all into 90 mins. Sound - 10/10, since i am a metal fan I loved the fight music.

And piano just reaches right in there.It is a great ST and I was not disappointed. Tilt/Replay 10/10 - Enjoyable every time.

Overall- 9/10 (FF Fan View 10/10) I personally think this is what was needed, a fight to end it all. The plot was already in place. The action was necessary as much as people complained. I loved every second of this movie. It was a pleasure to visit the world of FFVII just one last time.

Just remember this. Most movies that have been made form a game have been directed by movie directors i think this is pretty great for a team of game directors. Don't think I've seen a better game to movie.

Thankyou Square, I think you did it right! Graphics: brilliant, obviously. The most stunning things were definitely NOT given away in the trailers.

Fight sequences move extremely fast, but after watching a couple of them your eyes should be used to it and it won't seem so confusing. Cloud has a wide array of swords, and I kinda wish things were moving a LITTLE slower just so we could see them, because they were each incredibly detailed. Oh, and we finally get to see exactly how one equips Materia. Music: brilliant also.

I was a bit nervous about it, since (from what I've seen) Nobuo isn't the best at writing music to go along with action (remember the Steal the Tiny Bronco sequence?), but it's brilliant and it fits perfectly. I'm glad I preordered the OST. They changed the lyrics to One Winged Angel though, so you won't be able to sing along if you know the Carmina Burana Lyrics. Plot: the first half of the movie sets up things and introduces everyone in a fairly complex tapestry, but the second half is almost entirely fight sequences, once all the players are in place. I wouldn't call it a weak plot, but it's nowhere near as convoluted as the game's plot was. I think this is in an effort to avoid trying to overshadow the game, and I think that's a good thing.the movie is its own entity, and shouldn't try to top the original in terms of sheer plot. I admit, I was kind of hoping that this movie would bring FF7 to a wider range of people, but this is NOT a mainstream movie.

I was going to give it only nine stars, just because it doesn't even really try to explain anything to newcomers.Marlene (at least I think it was Marlene.sounded like her) gives a bit of background at the beginning, but it's more of a refresher than a crash course. But then I realized, for me this movie is a 10/10, so why should I take off points just because other people probably won't like it as well.if you've played the game, or are at least passingly familiar with it, you should see this movie. But you don't need me to tell you that. If you're not familiar with it, go out and buy it, sit there for twenty hours and beat it, and then see the movie.although even without any background, it's still stunningly beautiful.

You just won't get any of the inside references.which make up 50% of the movie (that is, everything that ISN'T a fight sequence). Now after watching The Advent Children twice, the storyline isn't as shallow as majority has criticized it to be in my opinion. If you haven't played FFVII or disliked it for whatever reason, this movie is most likely not for you. Being familiar to the original story is a prerequisite to understanding AC fully, otherwise you will just see the greatest CG animation in your life so far. Without actually spoiling the storyline, I must admit that after seeing AC we have been putting pieces together with my friends relying on our knowledge of FFVII.

Seeing it second time allowed to actually pay attention to the story more and most of the questions we may have had were answered. Some were not. AC is clearly for FFVII players/fans and doesn't honestly try to be anything else.

Free Download Film Final Fantasy Vii Crisis Core Subtitle Indonesia

There is little to none realism in it outside FFVII world which serves the purpose. Music is mostly reconstructed FFVII themes with a heavier touch (TBM team according to end credits) and works well with the eye candy without exceptions. I found the music enhancing the experience added to the visual fireworks in all situations. We all know you can't put a FFVII in 1.5 hours and keeping that in mind the storyline actually offered more to me than I expected. There are two issues at hand in FFVII: AC and both stories were wrapped up very smoothly between the action sequences. And trust me when I say there's a lot of it.

Action that is. I'm changing my vote from 9 to 10 after watching it the second time because I had missed a few explanatory sequences I couldn't put together the first time that provided some answers. As a warning, it's going to be easy to disregard the story and concentrate on graphics, but try not to judge the Adevent Children because of that. If you don't let the story in, it's no wonder it seems sloppy. I'm not going to praise the graphics because I assume we all know they are awesome, which might be an understatement. Especially characters talk so much more with their facial expressions than ever before. I hope you pay attention to the storyline for it actually makes sense and works well with the whole.

Get ready for the ride of your life, there are no breaks. When The Spirits Within was released, all you heard from Final Fantasy fans was how awful the movie was because it didn't seem like Final Fantasy. This is a different story, for better or worse. The familiar settings, characters, music, story, and over the top action scenes should thrill fans of the original game.

The problem is that it just isn't a good movie in its own right. The direction during the fight scenes is often sloppy, switching camera angles ridiculously fast in an attempt to make the action seem more frenetic, but only serving to make the scenes look jumbled and confusing. The CG itself is exceptional, but I can't say it's the best I've ever seen since Spirits Within had much more detail on the characters, although I must admit that Advent Children's characters moved much more naturally. The plot is virtually a black hole.

It's a giant deus ex machina designed solely to bring Sephiroth back for one last fight. Old characters reappear, but serve no real purpose other than to please fans.

Character development is nonexistent and the film does nothing at all to resolve any of the plot threads left hanging after the game's end. But it's packed with neat-looking fight scenes with magic, summons, and limit breaks, which is probably what fans wanted anyway. In the end, Advent Children is a very flashy, but totally brainless action flick that serves more as a side story for Final Fantasy VII than a real sequel. By the way, don't think you're hurting my feelings by voting Not Useful. It just makes me feel superior knowing that fanboys/fangirls resent my objectivity so greatly.