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Singles And Strikes Denki Groove Rar Extractor

Full text of ' STEREOPHILE VOL.39 N0.4 APRIL 2016 400 ONLINE AUTHORITY: WWW.STEREOPHILE.COM SPECIAL ISSUE GREAT-SOUNDING COMPONENTS RECOMMENDED viti iii^vi inc DC.JI r LPWITH PRODUCTS FROM ABIS, JASMINE, M0RCH, REED, SME, TECHDAS PERSONAL AUDIO WITH THE ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-M2 PLAYER AUDIO FILES WITH THE AURENDER N10 SERVER APRIL MUSICS AURANOIE V2 CD REaiVER ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-IVI2 PORTABLE Hi-REZ PLAYER I P.163 1 APRIL 2016 The new 5 Series / AX-5 Twenty Integrated Amplifier VX-5 Twenty Stereo Amplifier KX-5 Twenty Preamplifier Guess what’s next. Hand Built in Boulder, Colorado 303.442.7300 THERE ARE AS MANY OPINIONS AS THERE ARE EXPERTS BY ROBERT SCHRYER SEE IT Kids Are Alright I t’s one of audiophiledom’s eternal ques- tions: What can we do to draw more music lovers into the audiophile fold?

Of the proposals bandied about on audio fomms, two seem predominant: a) sell stuff more people can afford, and b) sit your neighbor or the cable guy in front of your stereo, cross your fingers, and let ’er rip— the theory behind b) being that the experience will be so epic as to transform the reluctant participant into an audiophile butterfly As if. These ideas aren’t wrong, but their aim is all over the map.

Actual human beings have a ton of other things— and not just fun things— they’d rather do. Things that don’t involve sitting in front of music while doing nothing but listening. We’re quirky that way. We want to do nothing but listen to our hi-fis.

Feb 11, 2018 - [2005.06.29] Denki Groove to ka Scha Dara Parr (電気グルーヴとかスチャダラパー) (Denki Groove. [2004.03.24] SINGLES and STRIKES (Best. Disc 1 - SINGLES DENKI GROOVE - 01 - Shangri-La.MP3 3.9MB Disc 1 - SINGLES DENKI GROOVE - 02 - Popo (radio edit).MP3 5.1MB Disc 1 - SINGLES. Geps List Anime +++ Koleksi Anime,Manga,Doujin,Bishojo Game diambil yg high quality only better resolution update, utk file anime/movie semua format divx ya,jd khusus di play di komputer ajah selain itu gak Rekomended. Utk game PC dgn OS win98/XP only.

We even make time in our busy schedules to do so. And there’s this: We and non- audiophiles listen to recorded music differently: While their engagement with music can be close, ours is molecular, if it’s in the recording, we want to hear it. It’s why we care so much about the sound quality of our playback gear, and why we go to un- usual lengths to optimize our hi-fi to sound its best. Such reverence for sound quality is too much for the average person: I get that. I also get that there’s been a paradigmatic shift in the re- lationship between consumers and recorded music: What was once an objet d’art that took pride of place on one’s shelf is now a 20-second download designed to be instant- ly expulsed and replaced.

And at $25/month to stream a zillion songs, music has achieved a monetary status of near worthlessness. Who, then, with his or her head on straight, would spend $25,000 on a stereo system— never mind on one component of it— when all it’s good for is playing back music that, according to the people who dispense it, isn’t worth a dime? The answer might pertain to why the simple idea of a $10,000 amplifier strikes most people as absurd— but not so a similarly priced watch, or a $200,000 sports car.

Those consumables come wrapped in ideas whose significance to every human being can’t be trivialized: time and freedom. A stereo system, as important as it may be to you and me, is to most people as a mere hi-fi accessory is to us: It might improve things, but life works fine without it.

Yet hearing my recordings with minimal interference from the mechanics of playback is a privilege I value. Not only is this aspect of sound reproduction directly pro- portional to my ability to focus on the music, it is more respectful of the hard work that went into creating and THIS issue: Reports of high- performance audio's death have been exaggerated.

Consumers are becoming increasingly acclimated to better sound. Recording the art of music in the first place. So I’m okay with being in the minority— of being so eccentric that I can listen for hours at a time to music that doesn’t come with pictures.

I like belonging to a fraternity whose members speak a strange lingo and perform sacred rituals, while being implicitly aware that great audio is as much about developing the new as it is about refining the old. At the same time, I wish everyone could hear what I hear, to understand empathetically what it is that makes the audiophile pursuit so special to me, even noble. Then there’s the existential concern expressed in my opening sentence: that fear for the survival of our hobby and, by exten- sion, of the survival of the audiophile inside each of us.

Not to worry, brothers and sisters: As sound quality con- tinues to improve across all music-delivering formats, consum- ers, whether they realize it or not, are becoming increasingly acclimated to better sound and more of it. What a perfect M. Night Shyamalan twist! With convenience conquered and out of the way, sound quality matters! Which means: Stay alert for an uptick in the number of music lovers who will wander into our orbit searching for audio enlightenment. The hard tmth is that trying to convince most people of our hobby’s appeal is a waste of time and effort. This is why it’s best to set our sights on those who, during discussions of music or sound, display an affinity for audio— but who might be tentative and leery, and needful of being gently guided away from the din of audiophiledom’s unwinnable in-fight- ing, crazy-sounding theories, and sticker-shock pricing.

This is our chance to don our audio-emissary hats and spread the word on the street: Audiophile gear will make your music come alive! Even the cheaper stuff!

If we’re lucky, we’ll get to see some of these budding enthusiasts become audiophiles— just as, long ago, we became audiophiles— and we’ll be reminded of a familiar and reassur- ing refrain: The kids are alright. And so are we. ■ A friend of his bestfrienTs big brother sold Robert Schryer (STletters® his first high-end gear: an AR turntable fitted with a Shure V-15 Type V-MR cartridge. After that, things were never the same. ■ April 2016 3 Crystol Coblo ARABESQUE rntnissimo 'This important speaker deserves the highest recommendation/' Alan Sircom, Hifi + December 2014 mm ■ mM ^ 'the Minissimos combine so many virtues- sweet sound, ease of use, gorgeous looks, a diminutive presence - that it's impossible not to smile when you see and hear them.' Ken Kessler, Hifi News April 2015 'A small speaker that plays big.'

Andrew Quint, The Absolute Sound October 2015 For more information about Crystal Cable's highend cables and the Arabesque loudspeaker range visit: Distributed in the USA by Audio Plus Services 800.663.9353 Distributed in Canada by Plurison 866.271.5689 Vol.39 No.4 FEATURES 48 Recommended Components Stereophile's editors and writers rate the best- sounding audio components that have been reviewed in the magazine. 125 Bonnie Raitt's Inexorable Rhythm On Dig In Deep, the 19th album of her long and distinguished career, Bonnie Raitt rocks hard, turns up the volume, and decides to dip her toe in the world of 45rpm LPs! By Robert Baird. P.149 p.163 EQUIPMENT REPORTS 134 April Music Aura Note v.2 CD receiver by Art Dudley 149 Aurender N10 music server by John Atkinson 155 Elac Debut B6 loudspeaker by Herb Reichert 163 Acoustic Research AR-M2 hi-rez portable player by John Atkinson FOLLOW-UP 170 Spec RPA-W7EX power amplifier by Art Dudley SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE EQUIPMENT REPORT ARCHIVE AT WWW.STEREOPHILE.COM Stereophile (USPS #734-970 ISSN: 0585-2544) Vol.39 No.4, April 2016, Issue Number 435.

Copy- right © 2016 by TEN: The Enthusiast Network Magazines, LLC. All rights reserved. Published monthly by TEN: The Enthusiast Network, LLC., 261 Madison Ave., 6‘^ Floor, New York, NY. Peri- odicals Postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices.

Subscription rates for one year (12 issues) U.S., APO, FPO, and U.S. Possessions $19.94, Canada $31.94, Foreign orders add $24 (including surface mail postage). Payment in advance, U.S. POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 707.4.12.5); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY Facilities: send address corrections to Stereophile, P.O.

Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL. Mailing Lists: From time to time we make our subscriber list available to companies that sell goods and services by mail that we believe would be of interest to our readers. If you would rather not receive such mailings, please send your current mailing label, or an exact copy, to: Stereophile, Mail Preference Service, P.O. Box 42023^ Palm Coast, FL.

Subscription Service: Should you wish to change your address, or order new subscrip- tions, you can do so by writing to the same address. Printed in the USA. ■ April 2016 5 W dgahrolurBMini^ ^ l!. v THE PATHWAY OF DISTINCTION “Vocals were sensational for any loudspeaker, never mind one that costs less than $2k.

Singles And Strikes Denki Groove Rar Extractor Mac

' Robert Harley -The Absolute Sound - October ‘14 'Across the entire line the build-quality is nothing short of exemplary. ' The Absolute Sound - 2014 Editors' Choice “Bottom line: The aR12-TS is the best power conditioner I've heard. ” Brian Damkroger - Stereophile - Jan ‘12 “The sound of the aB6-TS was, in a word, stunning.

Doug Blackburn - - Jan '12 “This isn’t just another small loudspeaker, it’s the start of a revolution!” Alan Sircom - hifi+ CHOICE CHOICE “Audience's Au24 SE powerChords, interconnects, and speaker cables are the most satisfying wiring products I've used in the last 39 years. They sit at the pinnacle of cable performance, and provide an attractive combination of big spaces, a very neutral sound and marvelously balanced performance, from the deepest bass to the highest treble.

' Doug Blackburn. SoundStage ULTRA - October '14 “A power cord that touches all the right bases and then some. ” The Absolute Sound - 2014 Editors' Choice Award, Neil Gader Now available in 3 different gauges! QLioience Access these and other reviews at COLUMNS 3 As We See It The kids are alright, declares Robert Schryer, explaining that reports of high-performance audio's death have been exaggerated.

11 Letters Readers agree with Art Dudley that mono recordings can sound great and complain that the record industry doesn't care about its customers. Get on your Soapbox! Visit the forums at 15 Industry Update High-end audio news, including the shows and dealer-sponsored events taking place in March and April 2016, plus Stereophile's special 'R2D4' issue, a new Rega turntable that will cost around £30,000, and a new open-reel tape duplication project. 173 Record Reviews For April's 'Recording of the Month,' we've chosen Avishai Cohen's debut as a leader. Into The Silence.

In Classical, we have new record- ings of music by Aaron Copland and a new Turandot starring (gulp!) Andrea Bocelli? In Rock/Pop we have new recordings by Nolatet and Grant Lee Phillips. And in Jazz, the latest Michael Formanek and Adam Larson albums and a new Billy Cobham boxed set get a critical listen. 180 Manufacturers' Comments NAD, Graham Engineering, Morch, Acoustic Sounds, and Elac respond to our reviews of their products. 186 Aural Robert They both had solo careers but now they're husband and wife together in a large, progressively more interesting, working blues-rock band. About to release Let Me Get By, Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks talk to Robert Baird about horn charts, working together, and getting too loud on record.

Want to know more? Go to the “News Desk' at for up-to-the-minute info. 21 Analog Corner Michael Fremer takes first listens to two high-end tonearms, from Reed and Morch, and a second listen to the cost-no-obect Air Force One turntable.

29 Listening Art Dudley interviews Sophia Singer, an inspired and inspirational used-LP retailer. 39 Gramophone Dreams Herb Reichert updates a vintage Technics turntable with modern tonearms from SME and Abis, and auditions the Jasmine moving- coil cartridge. P.29 INFORMATION 184 Audio Mart 182 Manufacturers' Showcase 182 Dealers' Showcase 183 Advertiser Index Follow Stereophile on Facebook: / ■ April 2016 7 Hear it all, without hearing all about it. Hi Fathom® IWS In-Wall Subwoofer Systems EDITOR JOHN ATKINSON MUSIC EDITOR ROBERT BAIRD DEPUTY EDITOR ART DUDLEY SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITORS MICHAEL FREMER, MICHAEL LAVORGNA, KALMAN RUBINSON WEB PRODUCER JON IVERSON FOUNDER J.

Full text of ' STEREOPHILE VOL.39 N0.4 APRIL 2016 400 ONLINE AUTHORITY: WWW.STEREOPHILE.COM SPECIAL ISSUE GREAT-SOUNDING COMPONENTS RECOMMENDED viti iii^vi inc DC.JI r LPWITH PRODUCTS FROM ABIS, JASMINE, M0RCH, REED, SME, TECHDAS PERSONAL AUDIO WITH THE ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-M2 PLAYER AUDIO FILES WITH THE AURENDER N10 SERVER APRIL MUSICS AURANOIE V2 CD REaiVER ACOUSTIC RESEARCH AR-IVI2 PORTABLE Hi-REZ PLAYER I P.163 1 APRIL 2016 The new 5 Series / AX-5 Twenty Integrated Amplifier VX-5 Twenty Stereo Amplifier KX-5 Twenty Preamplifier Guess what’s next. Hand Built in Boulder, Colorado 303.442.7300 THERE ARE AS MANY OPINIONS AS THERE ARE EXPERTS BY ROBERT SCHRYER SEE IT Kids Are Alright I t’s one of audiophiledom’s eternal ques- tions: What can we do to draw more music lovers into the audiophile fold? Of the proposals bandied about on audio fomms, two seem predominant: a) sell stuff more people can afford, and b) sit your neighbor or the cable guy in front of your stereo, cross your fingers, and let ’er rip— the theory behind b) being that the experience will be so epic as to transform the reluctant participant into an audiophile butterfly As if. These ideas aren’t wrong, but their aim is all over the map. Actual human beings have a ton of other things— and not just fun things— they’d rather do. Things that don’t involve sitting in front of music while doing nothing but listening. We’re quirky that way.

We want to do nothing but listen to our hi-fis. We even make time in our busy schedules to do so. And there’s this: We and non- audiophiles listen to recorded music differently: While their engagement with music can be close, ours is molecular, if it’s in the recording, we want to hear it. It’s why we care so much about the sound quality of our playback gear, and why we go to un- usual lengths to optimize our hi-fi to sound its best.

Such reverence for sound quality is too much for the average person: I get that. I also get that there’s been a paradigmatic shift in the re- lationship between consumers and recorded music: What was once an objet d’art that took pride of place on one’s shelf is now a 20-second download designed to be instant- ly expulsed and replaced. And at $25/month to stream a zillion songs, music has achieved a monetary status of near worthlessness. Who, then, with his or her head on straight, would spend $25,000 on a stereo system— never mind on one component of it— when all it’s good for is playing back music that, according to the people who dispense it, isn’t worth a dime? The answer might pertain to why the simple idea of a $10,000 amplifier strikes most people as absurd— but not so a similarly priced watch, or a $200,000 sports car.

Those consumables come wrapped in ideas whose significance to every human being can’t be trivialized: time and freedom. A stereo system, as important as it may be to you and me, is to most people as a mere hi-fi accessory is to us: It might improve things, but life works fine without it. Yet hearing my recordings with minimal interference from the mechanics of playback is a privilege I value. Not only is this aspect of sound reproduction directly pro- portional to my ability to focus on the music, it is more respectful of the hard work that went into creating and THIS issue: Reports of high- performance audio's death have been exaggerated. Consumers are becoming increasingly acclimated to better sound. Recording the art of music in the first place.

So I’m okay with being in the minority— of being so eccentric that I can listen for hours at a time to music that doesn’t come with pictures. I like belonging to a fraternity whose members speak a strange lingo and perform sacred rituals, while being implicitly aware that great audio is as much about developing the new as it is about refining the old. At the same time, I wish everyone could hear what I hear, to understand empathetically what it is that makes the audiophile pursuit so special to me, even noble. Then there’s the existential concern expressed in my opening sentence: that fear for the survival of our hobby and, by exten- sion, of the survival of the audiophile inside each of us. Not to worry, brothers and sisters: As sound quality con- tinues to improve across all music-delivering formats, consum- ers, whether they realize it or not, are becoming increasingly acclimated to better sound and more of it. What a perfect M. Night Shyamalan twist!

With convenience conquered and out of the way, sound quality matters! Which means: Stay alert for an uptick in the number of music lovers who will wander into our orbit searching for audio enlightenment. The hard tmth is that trying to convince most people of our hobby’s appeal is a waste of time and effort. This is why it’s best to set our sights on those who, during discussions of music or sound, display an affinity for audio— but who might be tentative and leery, and needful of being gently guided away from the din of audiophiledom’s unwinnable in-fight- ing, crazy-sounding theories, and sticker-shock pricing.


This is our chance to don our audio-emissary hats and spread the word on the street: Audiophile gear will make your music come alive! Even the cheaper stuff! If we’re lucky, we’ll get to see some of these budding enthusiasts become audiophiles— just as, long ago, we became audiophiles— and we’ll be reminded of a familiar and reassur- ing refrain: The kids are alright. And so are we. ■ A friend of his bestfrienTs big brother sold Robert Schryer (STletters® his first high-end gear: an AR turntable fitted with a Shure V-15 Type V-MR cartridge. After that, things were never the same. ■ April 2016 3 Crystol Coblo ARABESQUE rntnissimo 'This important speaker deserves the highest recommendation/' Alan Sircom, Hifi + December 2014 mm ■ mM ^ 'the Minissimos combine so many virtues- sweet sound, ease of use, gorgeous looks, a diminutive presence - that it's impossible not to smile when you see and hear them.'

Ken Kessler, Hifi News April 2015 'A small speaker that plays big.' Andrew Quint, The Absolute Sound October 2015 For more information about Crystal Cable's highend cables and the Arabesque loudspeaker range visit: Distributed in the USA by Audio Plus Services 800.663.9353 Distributed in Canada by Plurison 866.271.5689 Vol.39 No.4 FEATURES 48 Recommended Components Stereophile's editors and writers rate the best- sounding audio components that have been reviewed in the magazine. 125 Bonnie Raitt's Inexorable Rhythm On Dig In Deep, the 19th album of her long and distinguished career, Bonnie Raitt rocks hard, turns up the volume, and decides to dip her toe in the world of 45rpm LPs! By Robert Baird. P.149 p.163 EQUIPMENT REPORTS 134 April Music Aura Note v.2 CD receiver by Art Dudley 149 Aurender N10 music server by John Atkinson 155 Elac Debut B6 loudspeaker by Herb Reichert 163 Acoustic Research AR-M2 hi-rez portable player by John Atkinson FOLLOW-UP 170 Spec RPA-W7EX power amplifier by Art Dudley SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE EQUIPMENT REPORT ARCHIVE AT WWW.STEREOPHILE.COM Stereophile (USPS #734-970 ISSN: 0585-2544) Vol.39 No.4, April 2016, Issue Number 435.

Copy- right © 2016 by TEN: The Enthusiast Network Magazines, LLC. All rights reserved. Published monthly by TEN: The Enthusiast Network, LLC., 261 Madison Ave., 6‘^ Floor, New York, NY. Peri- odicals Postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices.

Subscription rates for one year (12 issues) U.S., APO, FPO, and U.S. Possessions $19.94, Canada $31.94, Foreign orders add $24 (including surface mail postage). Payment in advance, U.S. POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 707.4.12.5); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY Facilities: send address corrections to Stereophile, P.O.

Box 420235, Palm Coast, FL. Mailing Lists: From time to time we make our subscriber list available to companies that sell goods and services by mail that we believe would be of interest to our readers. If you would rather not receive such mailings, please send your current mailing label, or an exact copy, to: Stereophile, Mail Preference Service, P.O. Box 42023^ Palm Coast, FL. Subscription Service: Should you wish to change your address, or order new subscrip- tions, you can do so by writing to the same address. Printed in the USA. ■ April 2016 5 W dgahrolurBMini^ ^ l!.

v THE PATHWAY OF DISTINCTION “Vocals were sensational for any loudspeaker, never mind one that costs less than $2k. ' Robert Harley -The Absolute Sound - October ‘14 'Across the entire line the build-quality is nothing short of exemplary. ' The Absolute Sound - 2014 Editors' Choice “Bottom line: The aR12-TS is the best power conditioner I've heard. ” Brian Damkroger - Stereophile - Jan ‘12 “The sound of the aB6-TS was, in a word, stunning. Doug Blackburn - - Jan '12 “This isn’t just another small loudspeaker, it’s the start of a revolution!” Alan Sircom - hifi+ CHOICE CHOICE “Audience's Au24 SE powerChords, interconnects, and speaker cables are the most satisfying wiring products I've used in the last 39 years. They sit at the pinnacle of cable performance, and provide an attractive combination of big spaces, a very neutral sound and marvelously balanced performance, from the deepest bass to the highest treble. ' Doug Blackburn.

SoundStage ULTRA - October '14 “A power cord that touches all the right bases and then some. ” The Absolute Sound - 2014 Editors' Choice Award, Neil Gader Now available in 3 different gauges! QLioience Access these and other reviews at COLUMNS 3 As We See It The kids are alright, declares Robert Schryer, explaining that reports of high-performance audio's death have been exaggerated. 11 Letters Readers agree with Art Dudley that mono recordings can sound great and complain that the record industry doesn't care about its customers. Get on your Soapbox!

Visit the forums at 15 Industry Update High-end audio news, including the shows and dealer-sponsored events taking place in March and April 2016, plus Stereophile's special 'R2D4' issue, a new Rega turntable that will cost around £30,000, and a new open-reel tape duplication project. 173 Record Reviews For April's 'Recording of the Month,' we've chosen Avishai Cohen's debut as a leader. Into The Silence. In Classical, we have new record- ings of music by Aaron Copland and a new Turandot starring (gulp!) Andrea Bocelli? In Rock/Pop we have new recordings by Nolatet and Grant Lee Phillips. Propellerhead reason 4 download free full version pc. And in Jazz, the latest Michael Formanek and Adam Larson albums and a new Billy Cobham boxed set get a critical listen.

180 Manufacturers' Comments NAD, Graham Engineering, Morch, Acoustic Sounds, and Elac respond to our reviews of their products. 186 Aural Robert They both had solo careers but now they're husband and wife together in a large, progressively more interesting, working blues-rock band. About to release Let Me Get By, Susan Tedeschi and Derek Trucks talk to Robert Baird about horn charts, working together, and getting too loud on record.

Want to know more? Go to the “News Desk' at for up-to-the-minute info.

21 Analog Corner Michael Fremer takes first listens to two high-end tonearms, from Reed and Morch, and a second listen to the cost-no-obect Air Force One turntable. 29 Listening Art Dudley interviews Sophia Singer, an inspired and inspirational used-LP retailer. 39 Gramophone Dreams Herb Reichert updates a vintage Technics turntable with modern tonearms from SME and Abis, and auditions the Jasmine moving- coil cartridge. P.29 INFORMATION 184 Audio Mart 182 Manufacturers' Showcase 182 Dealers' Showcase 183 Advertiser Index Follow Stereophile on Facebook: