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Evil Games To Play

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  1. Games To Play For Free

But I have no idea how or where I should begin. I've never played a Resident Evil game before, but I've been meaning to since Resident Evil 4 got so much universal praise. With which versions should I start?

Which games should I avoid? I was thinking I could go with something like this:.

(Wii). (Wii). (GC? PSP?). (??). (XBLA). (PC) I'm purposely avoiding RE4 on Wii because.

Well, I know that it's a great version, but I'm kinda lazy and I don't know if I'll be able to endure the whole game with the Wiimote. I don't know what to do with RE3, to be honest. There's no remake or 'enhanced port', right? Any RE connoisseur would care to enlighten me, please? Thanks in advance. A newcomer to the Resident Evil franchise?

Then may I recommend playing the games in their chronological order. I strongly suggest that you play either Resident Evil 1 or 0 first so that you will have a strong appreciation of the franchise's original roots and also to understand the storyline better. Added in this list is Code Veronica X.

It's a continuation of 2 and 3 and it has crucial plot lines that you need to know. EDITED:. (Wii). (Wii) or (PSN or DS). (GC). (GC). (GC).

(Either PS2 or Wii). (PC) or (PS3 or 360). I pretty much started with Resident Evil 4, but I haven't ever gotten particularly far into it. I feel like pretty much anyone into video games has been exposed to enough of the plot to get a basic grasp of everything up to that point, and RE 4 also happens to be the gameplay basis for games after that, so I figure it's a decent place to start. If you're avoiding RE 4 on Wii, you can play either the Gamecube or PS2 versions which are so similar it shouldn't matter. I guess that point depends on what controller you prefer. I just figure you can pick up the older console versions cheaper than the XBLA version, though perhaps not cheap enough to affect your decison.

Games To Play For Free

@Psykhophear said: A newcomer to the Resident Evil franchise? Then may I recommend playing the games in their chronological order. I strongly suggest that you play either Resident Evil 1 or 0 first so that you will have a strong appreciation of the franchise's original roots and also to understand the storyline better. Added in this list is Code Veronica X. It's a continuation of 2 and 3 and it has crucial plot lines that you need to know. (Wii). (Wii).

(GC). (GC). (GC). (Either PS2 or Wii). (PC) or (PS3 or 360) Can't really argue with this as a lover of all things Resident Evil, if you can play RE5 on a PC then I highly recommend it. It looks rather stunning and has the bonus no mercy mode. @Marokai said: Don't be afraid to play the Wii version of RE4; motion controls aren't required.

You can play it with a GC controller and/or a classic controller as far as I remember, and it is the definitive retail package of that game. I actually found the Wii motion controls to be a really fun addition to RE4, although that might have been because I'd already played through the game normally five times.

I will say that it did make the game a LOT easier. By the end of chapter 2 I had more health items and ammo than I could fit in my inventory. @Zacagawea said: Definitely not a connoisseur of RE, but I started with RE5 and generally feel okay about it. Although, it is super hard to go back to the old ones after that. If you actually want to give a shit about that crazy story, (I definitely didn't) start with the first one because logic.

I started playing it seriously with #5. I had a N64 and played parts of the first game at a friend's house and was blown away by the series ignoring Mario 64 and going with the most mindbogglingly bad and game breaking controls known to man. They came out after games had already figured out how 3D controls should work yet learned nothing from them. Those early games were unplayable for me then, and probably even more so now. If you jump back into the old ones, be prepared for that. Playing them in order of release is the best: RE1, RE2, RE3, RE:CV, RE:0 I prefer RE1 over the RE1-remake on Gamecube, when you don't want to complete everything, RE3 and RE0 can be skipped as they don't add much to the overall story, they are just more of the same. I consider the RE4 and RE5 to be essentially a separate series, while some characters are recycled the series had such a drastic shift in gameplay and story that one can pretty much ignore everything that came previously and vice versa, RE4 and RE5 answer none of the open questions one might have had after RE:CV.

People claim that RE4(Wii) is the best version, as for the older games, the PS1 version will do. @Psykhophear said: A newcomer to the Resident Evil franchise? Then may I recommend playing the games in their chronological order. I strongly suggest that you play either Resident Evil 1 or 0 first so that you will have a strong appreciation of the franchise's original roots and also to understand the storyline better. Added in this list is Code Veronica X. It's a continuation of 2 and 3 and it has crucial plot lines that you need to know. (Wii).

(Wii). (GC). (GC). (GC). (Either PS2 or Wii). (PC) or (PS3 or 360) This is what I'd suggest, too.

Though the very original Resident Evil? (wasn't suggested, but shooting down incase of curiosity) Eh, not worth it. I mean even I think that's aged pretty poorly; lots of enemies becoming invincible mid-animation and the like. The Hunters were the fucking worst. It's astounding how much of an improvement RE2 was. RE2 also may not play well for others, but it's still significantly easier to transition into than the very original RE.

Plus the REmake really is one of the best of the lot and is the 'true' canon for how the Mansion incident occurred. In case you are considering going back through ALL of the games, including the ones with tank controls, you should probably watch the Brad and Vinny did for Resident Evil: Code Veronica X. It doesn't look completely unplayable, but those tank controls are pretty hard to go back to after playing any amount of modern third person shooters. Also after listening to people talk about story in the Resident Evil series it sounds completely insane, and like most franchises coming from Japan, it is not very cohesive or follows any form of logic. NOTE that this is just an outsiders opinion and a die hard fan will probably respond to this with a lengthy explanation of the franchise long story. But based on the trailer it looks as if the game follows Chris, Lyon and a third protagonist so you may be fine just playing 4 and 5.

But go with god, start down that path of insanity if you wish. The first game is an awesome starting point. The tank controls aren't so bad if you are methodical with them, and I'll admit it's kind of a strange juxtaposition calmly lining up a shot for 5 seconds as a zombie is rapidly encroaching on you, but it makes the gameplay far more interesting, and satisfying than modern ammo dumping shooters. If you have difficulties just look up a guide on where ammo is located there's plenty to find despite what people say, and typwriter ribbons is rarely an issue. If you are down for some good, dumb, rail shooter fun with a friend I would also suggest Umbrella Chronicles, but avoid Darkside Chronicles at all costs IMO. @Zacagawea said: Definitely not a connoisseur of RE, but I started with RE5 and generally feel okay about it.

Although, it is super hard to go back to the old ones after that. If you actually want to give a shit about that crazy story, (I definitely didn't) start with the first one because logic. Although I had a brief stint with RE3 before, RE5 was the first one I played and beat. I enjoyed myself thoroughly and it was twice as fun going through the game with a friend co-op style.

Only bad thing I can recall about playing 5 first was that I didn't have any connection about any of those characters. I mean I knew who Leon was and who Claire Redfield was, I know those are characters from the series but no idea what their individual backstories were. Fortunately my friend who I played with was a big RE buff so he'd just tell me 'oh yah she was in this and that.' Wow, thanks for all the answers. I was sure no one would care about my questions:P Let's see: I know the first few games have aged badly.

Even the remake are, arguably, barely playable by today standards. But I really want to get the whole Resident Evil experience, no matter how painful it is.

I'll add Code: Veronica X to the list and play it after 3 and before 4. What I have to decide now is whether to play RE Zero before or after 1, 2 and 3.

Are the gameplay changes so significant that going back to the previous titles is so hard? Because, otherwise, I'll just play them in plot order. Thanks again for the replies, duders. @JoeyRavn said. But I have no idea how or where I should begin. I've never played a Resident Evil game before, but I've been meaning to since Resident Evil 4 got so much universal praise. With which versions should I start?

Which games should I avoid? I was thinking I could go with something like this:. (Wii). (Wii). (GC? PSP?). (??).

(XBLA). (PC) I'm purposely avoiding RE4 on Wii because. Well, I know that it's a great version, but I'm kinda lazy and I don't know if I'll be able to endure the whole game with the Wiimote. I don't know what to do with RE3, to be honest. There's no remake or 'enhanced port', right? Any RE connoisseur would care to enlighten me, please? Thanks in advance.


Start with the order they came out it. RE 1 RE 2 RE 3 RE 0.

I admire your dedication haha. To want to get into Resident Evil, you really want to experience the defining moments and the evolution of the survival horror genre. I'd say you definitely owe it to yourself to play the first two, as those will give you the majority of the game's fiction and initiate you to their play style. Survival horror is an arguably dead breed so at the very least you'll experience something unique. If you like it, or at least get used to it, play RE:3 and even the prequel RE:0. As an RE verteran, I honestly didn't care for Veronica but be my guest, to each his own. They are hard to find, but if you have a Wii you can buy the entire series on gamecube and get RE4 on Wii.

(Something I did because I'm a RE fanatic) I wouldn't fret the motion controls either. Not only are they pitch perfect, but they don't require constantly obtrusive movement and even so, like people mentioned, you can play with a gamepad as well.

Here's to you finding a new obsession! Then there's always silent hill and fatal frame. @Branthog: You can get them through PSN, but the original PS1 games. Resident Evil 0 is only available on Game Cube I belive.

Also You can get the HD redmakes of the awesome Resident Evil: Code Veronica and the crappy as hell RE4 (when the game lost its charm and became, puaj, a third person shooting game. I want my tank controls, ammo managemente and puzzles back you hear Capcom!!!!! @VideoGameKing said: @Aetheldod: No, it's pretty crap. I'd go into detail about why, but that's what blogs are for. Also, reviews. But for now, I'll say that it's shit.

:3 magnicide is in order.prepares revolution.